Visiting a place you’ve never been can be both exciting and a bit unsettling. You have some ideas of what to expect, but you lack the details to boldly step out. We understand. Because we can relate, we want to provide assistance for your journey. We want it to be a great experience, and, from our viewpoint, the more we can show you prior to your arrival, the more eager you will be to step into that journey.
I’m New
New occurs around us every day. Most expect, invite and thrive on new. But stepping into a new place where you don’t really know what to expect is a very different kind of new. We’re here to ease some of the potential butterflies and enable you to feel at home on your first visit.
What do I wear? Let’s keep this simple. Wear what you are comfortable wearing. You will see some older people in shirts and ties; others in open collar shirts and dress pants, and many in the younger crowd wearing blue jeans. Be comfortable. You are welcome just as you are.
As you enter the driveway, you will see a parking lot in the back of church. Park anywhere you can find a spot. Then, watch where other people go and follow them. If you watch what others do, you’ll have a good sense of what to do and you’ll feel more comfortable. Don’t be at all surprised if people say, “Good morning” or greet you with a handshake. That’s normal and their way of making your feel more at home.
Worship - Part I
As you follow others into the worship area, sit wherever it looks most comfortable for you. Before the service begins, you can expect background music. Once the service begins, the Leader ( we call him the Pastor), will step into the area in front. He will lead the service, provide the message (sermon), and so on. Typically, when he speaks, you will listen and when others around you speak, you will speak. Sometimes, the order of service will show “P” and “C.” The “P” or sometimes “L” is for Pastor/Leader and the “C” is for congregation - all the people gathered.
No tests or quizzes here. Just friendly people who are very grateful to see new faces and to make you feel at home in God’s House.
Worship - Part 2
Somewhere in the service, they will gather an offering. The offering helps the church carry out its work in the community. As a visitor, feel free to simply pass the offering plate on to the next person. Depending on the Sunday, the Lord’s Supper may be offered. Being new and unfamiliar, the simple response is to indicate by a shaking of the head that you are not participating. There will also be a variety of prayers in the service. At the end, someone will dismiss people from the front working toward the back. You will greet the Leader (Pastor) and he will likely ask if you are visiting and want to know a bit more about you. All that’s perfectly normal.
What do I do with my kids? What if they make noise? It’s okay. Your kids won’t be the first or the last to make some noise. Usually, families with younger kids like to sit toward the back. That way, they can step out into the hallway which would be through the door to your right if you were walking out of the worship area. But, don’t worry. We’re good with kids. We love kids! Pastor, the leader, might even have a special time that he invites the kids to come forward for a children’s message. If you’re comfortable, send your kids up with the others. If not, you can listen from your seat.
After Worship
Several things happen after the service ends and you leave the worship area. One of the main things is that people stand around and visit. Those with kids, send or take their kids to Sunday School, which is a special learning time that we offer just for kids. Feel free to visit even if you’re not comfortable sending your kids by themselves. We certainly don’t mind at all if parents attend with their kids. If you want to know more about our Sunday School, as we call it, look for someone else with kids and they can tell you more.
I’m Familiar
Your favorite coffee shop. Your local grocery store. Your favorite ice cream parlor. Familiar places create an added level of comfort. Because you know basic information, you find yourself more relaxed and ready to take in other aspects of the location. Being familiar with the Lutheran church also gives you a certain level of expectations and a sense of knowing before you arrive.
We have two entrances off of Dorsett Rd. Either will take you to our large parking area behind the church. Once you arrive, park wherever it seems best to you. Then, as you head toward the church, look for the “crosses” painted on the driveway and they will take you to either the main entrance on the street side of the church or the side entrance. If you want to hang up coats, etc., the side entrance will bring you to the coat racks.
Pastor Femmel arrived at Zion in 2007. When you meet him, you’ll quickly realize that he is very enthusiastic and offers an engaging preaching style. He is married with younger kids, active in the community, and a dynamic leader. With a smile and great warmth, he’ll make you feel comfortable in a matter of minutes.
Our worship style is what we call “traditional.” We typically use LSB (Lutheran Service Book), the most recent hymnal of our church body. With a number of different liturgies in the front of the hymnal, we choose different orders of worship at different times. If you’re familiar with LSB, you’ll find yourself right at home.
A friendly church that wants everyone to feel welcome - that’s who we strive to be.
When you are at a congregation which is new to you, there’s always some question about what to wear. We want you to be comfortable at Zion, so we encourage you to wear whatever you’re most comfortable wearing. You will see some people in shirts and ties, others in polos and khakis, and still others in blue jeans. Be comfortable. You are welcome just as you are.
We love kids because kids remind us of our future, of the next generation. We also know that kids make noise and we’re okay with that. If they get too fussy, you can always step out into the hallway if that’s what makes you more comfortable. Most of our parents with younger kids like to sit toward the back of the church. That way they can step out if the need arises. But sit wherever you’re most comfortable. We want you to feel at home at Zion.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School for kids from age 3 - high school. Depending on which service you plan to attend (8:00 am or 10:30 am) Sunday School is offered between services beginning at 9:30 am. We have both upstairs and downstairs classrooms. So, the easiest thing to do is to find another parent who has kids of a similar age and ask them to help you out.