Interacting Leads to Connecting…
We can tell you. We can show you, but the best of Zion happens when we interact. God loves when His people get together to build each other up and do things together that make a difference. The more you get involved, the more you will learn, grow, and connect with those who will quickly become your new friends. So, we invite you to step into one or more of our activities and see for yourself that interacting leads to thriving.
Our Preschool is about to re-open following our Pandemic. If you are interested in signing up for this August, please click here. We are so blessed to be part of how God reaches into the hearts and lives of little ones to nurture, to encourage social interaction, and to teach the great news about our best friend, Jesus.
Sunday School
Available for all kiddos, starting at three years old. We have multiple teachers and helpers who are ready to make your child’s experience memorable because we want them to be eager to return.
Youth Events
Our Youth Group, the “Jesus Freaks”, offers a variety of activities for high school and older students. Learning, serving activities, and celebration events occur throughout the year and make a great place for young adults to meet and have a great time.
Worship Assistants
It takes a lot of people to host our worship services. Our altar guild, ushers, greeters, choir, and instrumentalists all come together to create moving experiences. If you have special skills or just an eager heart, we would love to find a way to connect God’s gifts to you with others.
Bible Studies
We offer multiple Bible study opportunities each week. Check out our current studies on the Education page. With such a variety, we’re sure there’s one where you will choose to share and to grow.
Special Events
A lot of special events occur throughout the year (such as Christmas, Lent, and Easter as well as Trivia Nights and Church Picnics). You can help with hosting our great events and these are a great way to get to know others and for other people to get to know you.