Teaching Moments…
Outside of the home, there are few places that have the opportunity to create bright futures, to change lives for the better, and to instill a sense of hope like that of the classroom.
This is our moment. We will use it wisely.

Classroom Overview
Our goal isn’t to be a babysitting service, but to be an education service, a place where we can educate young minds as we prepare them for the future with basic school knowledge and a love for the One who loves them most - Jesus.
Our staff is trained to educate, to teach the basics in preparation for school and to share the love of Jesus as part of their teaching activities because both school and Jesus matters to us.
We offer preschool for children ages 3 to 5. Depending on age and social skills, we divide them into 2 different spaces to provide optimal teaching moments. Our goal is to offer them our best every day,
We currently use one room for our preschool, but we have room to grow! We have another fully functioning room, so we are ready for you and for your friends.
If Typical Exists…
At preschool, you never know exactly what will occur, but we do our best to follow a general schedule, a schedule that may be our ideal, but may be adjusted based on the moment.
9:00 AM
Arrival Time
“Mom, isn’t it time to go to preschool yet? I’ve been waiting all morning. Can’t we go a little early today?”
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Creative Art
Creativity may not be taught, but we encourage it during our drawing, painting, coloring time.
9:30 - 10:00 AM
ABC Time
Our kids get excited about what seems so simple. Learning their ABC’s are great moments.
10:00 - 10:30 AM
Break Time
By mid-morning, it’s time for a bathroom and snack break. Every kid loves food and we provide healthy snacks daily.
We view every child that enters our doors as an opportunity God has given us to create within them a bright future.
10:30 - 11:00 AM
123 Time
Learning numbers is fascinating. Kids love to count everything, even if they skip a few numbers along the way.
11:00 - 11:30 AM
Guided Play Time
The perfect place for kids to interact and learn social skills without even realizing it is during play time.
11:30 - 12:00 PM
Singing Time
I really know the words! We teach great songs that kids can sing enthusiastically at preschool and everywhere else.
Head Home
After a very event-filled morning, our kids are often tired and ready for food and a nap. In their minds, most any place will work.

Child Safety
The safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. Entrance doors remain locked during Preschool hours and staff in both classrooms monitor where children are at, who has gone to the restroom, etc., because your child and his or her safety matter to us. We want you to be assured that measures are in place to protect your child, to provide them with a safe place to learn and interact.