As our children explore and understand the world around us
As children grow and learn to think for themselves and begin to form their own opinions, it is important to let them hear the voice of God, so beginning with the seventh grade, usually for two years, we offer Confirmation classes, an opportunity to meet with the pastor and another adult mentor to help younger sisters and brothers to grow deeper in the Faith. Let’s be honest, without a customized program for our children to grow in the Faith, they will be led by devastating social media trends and the most popular, violent video games their friends are playing. That is not a bright, inspiring future.
If you’re the parent of an almost teenager, you know how crazy life can be for you and for your son or daughter. A lot of things are going on during these years, some of them mostly out of their control. We’re here to teach them the basics of the Christian faith because those basics will provide them with a foundation for the years ahead and carry them through these unsettling times.
Welcome to Change!
It’s happening in their lives every day. One day, they’re on this path. Another day, they’re on a totally different path. We’ve learned how to teach in the midst of challenging times, to enable them to learn while enjoying their time in the classroom.
“When kids come home from confirmation with a smile and laughter, something great has obviously occurred.”
“My daughter is teaching *me* things now. i’m so excited for her future!”
Our Confirmation Teachers
Their lives are on a roller coaster. With hormones kicking in and the move from middle school to high school just around the corner, things can be crazy and chaotic. We understand and craft our classes to create a comfortable place for kids to be themselves and to learn the basics of the Christian faith at the same time.
Confirmation classes on Wednesday are taught by Pastor Femmel who focuses his class-time on connecting the faith to contemporary topics.
Our Sunday morning classes focus on the basics of the Lutheran Faith, found in Luther’s Small Catechism, and is taught by Chuck Mueller. It’s an opportunity for kids to learn by asking and listening.
Teaching Style
How we teach, how we structure our classes, how we present important information - all those things play a significant role in student interaction and learning. We’re here to teach and we’re also here to help kids learn. Our teaching materials and format are an important part of accomplishing our task - instilling the basics of the Christian faith into the lives of the next generation.
Luther’s Small Catechism, a summary of the Christian Lutheran faith, is our primary textbook, along with the Bible, of course. Beyond the Catechism, we also use materials from Concordia Publishing House, the publishing company of our church body.
Our students enjoy an interactive classroom. Along with basic teaching, there is plenty of opportunity for questions and for students to learn from each other. It’s an enjoyable experience for our young adults.