I’ve Got It!
If we already know everything that we need, we wouldn’t make mistakes. Sometimes, we need to hear something we haven’t heard and, other times, we need to polish the dust off what we have forgotten. To get each other ready for that tension at home, for a child who gets severely sick, the problems of an aging parent, a bad boss, a heartless coworker, feelings of meaninglessness, we need to reach up. Because we don’t know the future, in Bible Study we prepare for the surprises, for the disasters, and for the calm stretches in between.
A perfect world - it would be great, but it simply doesn’t exist, not yet. Our daily grinds greet us daily with the unexpected, with challenges, with heartaches, with bumps and detours we never imagined. In the middle of the unpredictable, we get to stay centered in the one in control of everything - God. God who offers us all that we need to thrive. Bible Study is where we get to learn and grow together, where God shows us a better way to face tomorrow.
Still Learning
If we could know all there was to know about our loving God from the moment we were born, what would life be like? We can imagine and dream, but, better than that, we can continue to learn, to move closer in our relationship which will be better than dreaming!
“I’m amazed at how much I learn each week. When I come expecting, I leave enriched!
With multiple Bible Classes offered each week, there’s one that will pique your interest because we know that offering a variety enables us to meet different people at different places in their lives.
Gathering to grow - that’s our purpose. We want you to leave with new information and inspiration to face your week and struggles.
“Those who continually grow are those who continually make our world a better place.”
We learn from each other. As you share your thoughts and ask your questions, you will learn and so will others. We enjoy interaction because we know it creates an ideal learning atmosphere.
Constant Growth
Whether we always like it or not, change is inevitable. Because everything around us keeps changing, we know that growing in our faith will help us adapt to change. When we each grow, we each have the opportunity to change our corner of the world.